Recently, I found myself dancing in front of 300 people – something I never dreamed I’d ever do! It wasn’t necessarily planned, but as part of ‘The Art of Brilliance!’ I got caught up in their amazing positivity and reminders that we should always strive to be our best self.

I was terrified beforehand, but the rush I got afterwards was indescribable. I was so proud of myself for stepping outside of my comfort zone – I think if I hadn’t done it, I would have really regretted shying away.

There’s a lot to be said for being absolutely petrified of doing something and steaming on regardless: how many times have you not done something, because it was easier not to, or felt safer somehow. If you’re currently putting off something because it feels too daunting, allow me to give you a little pep talk!

Turn down that job

As a freelance worker, when someone offers you work it’s an almost Pavlovian response to say yes. When you’re just starting out, obviously you’re going to accept every job, that comes your way. But if you’re still saying yes to everything a few years down the line, whether you’ve got the capacity or not, stop it! Turning down one job doesn’t mean that you’ll never be offered anything ever again (even if it feels like it at the time). If it’s something you don’t honestly have the time/energy for, practise saying Thanks but No Thanks.

Know when to walk away

By the same token, sometimes a working relationship reaches a natural breaking point and even though you know it’s time to walk away, the temptation is to keep labouring on hoping that it will eventually get better. Be honest, how many times in the past has that been a successful strategy? Try looking at it this way – if you’re in a situation (whether it’s the work itself or the person/people you’re working with) that’s making you unhappy, by staying where you are, couldn’t you be missing out on the excellent opportunity that’s quite possibly just around the corner?

Practise saying No.

I know so many people who say Yes to things, when they really want to say no. It doesn’t make them happy, quite the opposite in fact! Honestly, what’s the worst that could happen by saying no? Next time someone asks you to do something and you really don’t want to do it, ask yourself who’s going to be most inconvenienced/let down: them if you say no, or you if you say yes? Odds are, it’s going to be you. If saying no feels uncomfortable, find something relatively ‘low-stakes’ to practise on, until it becomes second nature.

Better the devil you know…

I get it. We like to stick with what we know – it feels safe. But as I said above, just think of all the good things you could be missing because making a move feels too difficult. Change is scary, I know. What if you end up in a worse situation that the one you’re in now? To which I can only ask, What if you end up in a better situation?

I realise that all of the above can be easier said than done, but I’d really encourage you to embrace the fear and step outside of your comfort zone – you deserve to live life to the full!

Until next time!

Stay productive.